Sitemap - 2024 - Daily Prayer

Luke 20: 27-40 "God of the Living"

Luke 20: 20-26 "Render Unto Caesar"

Luke 20: 9-19 "Parable of the Tenants"

Luke 20: 1-8 "Truth and Authority"

Luke 19: 41-48 "Jesus Weeps over Jerusalem"

Luke 19: 28-40 "Palm Sunday"

Luke 19: 11-27 "Boats in the Harbour"

Luke 19: 1-10 "Zacchaeus"

Luke 18: 31-43 "The Blind Beggar"

Luke 18: 15-30 "Rich Young Ruler"

Luke 18: 1-14 "Do not lose heart"

Luke 17: 20-37 "Abundant Now"

Luke 17: 11-19 "A Grateful Heart"

Luke 17: 1-10 " Freedom and Responsibility"

Luke 16: 19-31 "Take notice"

Luke 16: 1-18 "People not Profit"

Luke 15: 11-32 "Gracious and exuberant God"

Luke 15: 1-10 "Lost and Found"

Luke 14: 25-35 "What are you getting into?"

Luke 14: 12-24 "All are welcome"

Luke 14: 1-11 "Humility and Hospitality"

Luke 13: 22-35 "Warm encircling"

Luke 13: 10-21 "Small is beautiful"

Luke 13: 1-9 "Bear good fruit "

Luke 12: 49-59 "Fire on earth"

Luke 12: 41-48 "Justice is coming"

Luke 12: 32-40 "Where is your treasure?"

Luke 12: 22-31 "Consider the lilies"

Luke 12: 13-21 "The Rich Fool"

Luke 12: 1-12 "Your True Self"

Luke 11: 14-28 "Jesus who amazed"

Luke 11: 1-13 "The Lord's Prayer"

Luke 10: 38-42 "Mary and Martha"

Luke 10: 25-37 "The Good Samaritan"

Luke 10: 17-24 "Rejoice"

Luke 10: 1-16 "Receive Well"

Luke 9: 51-62 "Choose Life"

Luke 9:37-50 "In need of grace"

Luke 9: 28-36 "Glorious Christ"

Luke 9: 18-27 "Questions"

Luke 9: 1-17 "Generosity and Hospitality"

Luke 8: 40-56 "Christ who notices us"

Luke 8:26-39 "The Devil We Know "

Luke 8:16-25 "Listen, really listen"

John 15:9-17 "Friends"

Luke 7:36-50 "Forgiveness"

Luke 7:18-35 "Unfamiliar Love"

Luke 7:11-17 "Rise!"

Luke 24:44-53 "Letting Go"

Luke 7:1-10 "The Unknown Slave"

Luke 6:39-49 "Deep Roots"

Luke 6:27-36 "Radical ways of Love"

Luke 6:12-26 "Blessing and Woe"

Luke 6:1-11 "The Rule Breaker"

Luke 5:27-39 "Long Table"

John 14:1-14 "Indwelling God"

Luke 5:1-11 "Nights of Emptiness "

Luke 4:38-44 "Truth of our lives"

Luke 4:31-37 "Confront what destroys"

Luke 4:14-30 "Open arms and words"

Mark 13:5-13 "Holding Fast"

Luke 3:15-22 "Spirit and Fire"

John 15:18-21 "Towards your love"

Luke 2:41-52 "A Sense of Absence"

Luke 2:21-40 "Speaking of what we see"

Luke 2:1-20 "Treasured Words"

Luke 1:57-80 "Our True Name"

Luke 1:39-56 "Encourage and Celebrate"

Luke 1:26-38 "Disruptor of Lives"

Luke 1:11-13 "Do not be afraid"